Physical TheraPT

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Self-Limiting Pitfalls

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Elite performance requires us to be vulnerable. It is essential to have an honest view of our skill set to grow and improve. Working with a coach, or using tools like biofeedback technology can give a clear picture. In the clinic, we use a variety of motion and force capture to enhance the assessment process. Outside of the clinic, wearable technology can track heart rate, speed, and sleep metrics to give you a more complete picture of your performance.

But, ultimately, it’s how we interpret that information that matters. Use the self-assessment below and see if you fall into any of these 4 protective strategies that may be limiting your potential:

1. Self-Handicapping:

Intentionally limiting your effort to give yourself an “out.” If you didn’t really try your best, then the results don’t matter.

2. Feedback Avoidance:

Bubble alert! By only surrounding yourself with people who flatter you, you are distort you outlook.

3. Self-Serving Bias:

Only taking credit for success, and not failure. When you win, its because of your hard work and natural talent, but if your fail it could be the refs, the weather, the astrological calendar…

4. Downward Social Comparison:

Rather than look at how everyone performed, you only compare yourself to those who did worse to protect your ego. Maybe you only scored twice, but he didn’t score at all.

Being mindful of these common mental traps helps us build awareness of the role our mind plays in performance.

Adapted from @stevemagness, author of Peak Performance

How Can I Heal?

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This week, Dr. Heather McGill shared in conversation with Crina Okumus on her podcast How Can I Heal. The two discussed Heather’s vision for how to build robust, durable athletes through three healthy habits. Read more about Okumus and her podcast below:


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To give you a little background about me. I have an experience for more than 15 years in the fashion industry, running my company successfully selling in more than 40 countries and being highly profitable. 

One day, I received a call that my father died in a car accident and my whole life completely changed. I started to ask myself who am I and why I am here? The process of healing took more than five years, during which I was also facing my inner calling to move away from fashion and figure out what is next for me.It was certainly not an easy journey and I thought that I will never figure out what I will do for the rest of my life. But one day, I chose to listen to my heart and let it guide me to my future.

And with that decision, everything started moving in the right direction. 

The biggest insight I had during this time was that I could not change the world. I'm too small for that. But I can certainly change myself and the people around me who would be inspired by my story. And that’s when I decided to start a series of interviews with people that I love and who have made a big change in my life. 

So I hope you will join me in my journey and find inspiration in the stories of known personalities but also those of normal people. And please share your own journey with me and let's make a little change and make this world more beautiful. It’s up to us to make this change happen.

With love,

Back At It

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To wrap up our section on lumbar disc injury, Nina and I break down some of the most common patient questions we receive. As an AT, Nina is accustom to triaging athletes in pain, helping them find confidence in their plan of care.

SV: For the past month, we’ve been sharing the latest research on lumbar disc pathologies. As a recap, what are your top three take aways for experiencing back pain?

NS: We’ve covered a ton of information on this topic recently, looking at the impact of pregnancy as well as injury. The overall takeaway is that each individual’s experience can be different- this goes for symptoms and solutions. That’s why personalized care can have such a big impact for back pain. Similarly, there isn’t one guaranteed strategy for managing a lumbar disc injury. A combination of treatments, including soft tissue work, stability and mobility exercises, and pain management, is typically needed. Last, use this as an opportunity. For most people, an injury like a disc herniation can be a catalyst to make adjustments to their behaviors, allowing them to emerge stronger than before.

SV:  How does this differ from the type of back pain caused by pulling a muscle?

NS: Discogenic pain has a different quality; many patients report feeling sharp, electric sensations, while others complain of weakness. Nerve pain can “travel,” sending irritation down one or both legs. Muscle spasm often accompanies a disc injury- it’s a protective strategy. Muscles of the back will automatically tighten above and below the injured disc to limit movement. This tightening makes it difficult to use muscle systems, or groups of muscles designed to support compound movements, effectively.

Pulling a muscle, or overusing a muscle, can usually be correlated with a specific action or activity. You may feel tight, or restricted. This should resolve, or feel considerably better, in 72 hours if it’s just muscular.

SV: Here’s a popular combo question- do patients need to get imaging for this type of injury? How likely will they need surgery?

NS: It’s a valid question- too often, we only hear about worst case scenarios for injuries. Unless you’ve suffered a traumatic injury, like a car crash, we don’t typically recommend imaging right away. Rehab exercises and pain management will be the most productive first steps. If you eventually need surgery down the road, being as strong as possible going in will dramatically help your recovery!

Surgery makes the most sense for patients who have a high risk of complications- like if your herniation or displacement is so severe you may cause permanent damage to your spinal column- or for those who haven’t succeeded with conservative care after a number of months.

We’re big believers that patients should be the center of their plan of care, with a variety of clinicians and specialists, coaches and supporters surrounding them. Without a different perspectives, you can overlook options. Ask questions, get second options- be your best advocate!

SV: Once someone injures their back, does that mean they can never workout or play sports again?

NS: In the vast majority of cases, definitely not! Most patients are able to return fully to their previous level of activity. Like any major injury, it will take dedication and focus to recover. It’s essential to allow your body enough time to heal, and to correctly learn, or re-learn, movement patterns. Look for rehab practitioners that understand the demands of your activity, and can help get you there. Stopping at 65-75% better increases your chance of re-injury significantly.

SV: With back pain being one of the most prevalent injuries, how can someone lower their risk for injury?

NS: Regular physical activity will help to protect against a number of ailments and injuries. Particularly with the recent transition to virtual learning and working, movement is even more important, as we are naturally more sedentary in this scenario. Adding in tri-planar exercise, including linear, lateral and rotational work, can help make sure you’re prepared for whatever life throws you! If you’re new to exercise, or struggling with home exercise routines, setting up an appointment to work with a clinician or coach can give you the confidence you need to move safely.

SV: At Physical TheraPT, as many of our patients know, we love staying current on the latest innovations in exercise and rehab equipment. What’s your favorite product out there right now for back pain patients?

NS: For patients still in the early stages of recovery, I really like the biofeedback cuff. This deconstructed blood pressure cuff helps increase awareness of pelvic stability and highlights how well someone is able to maintain a braced position when you add on movement. For those who are out of pain, and show progress with more challenging exercises, the 3D strap is my favorite. Don’t be deceived by the simple nature of this piece of equipment! It adds rotational load to almost any movement pattern, allowing athletes to adapt and practice in a safe environment.

SV: Last question- what’s your go-to strategy for pain relief with this type of injury?

NS: Finding a position of comfort that you can rest in. Back injuries can feel unrelenting- having a position that gives you some relief is critical in the beginning stages of recovery. Laying on a firm surface, resting on your back with knees bent and feet planted, referred to as Hook-Lying Position, is generally safe for most patients. Others may find relief with a bit of light traction, leaning into your elbows at a counter, or floating in a pool.

The Future of Disc Pathology Treatments

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NSAIDs and rehabilitative care are the first line of treatment for the majority of low back pain patients. When appropriate, epidural injections can be utilized to reduce inflammation and allow for improved tolerance for exercise. Surgery is considered with severe disc herniations or when conservative care fails.

Given the prevalence of disc injuries, science is constantly searching for new strategies to treat patients. In recent years, there has been research in the potential for replacing and re-growing intervertebral discs! Two of these novel methods are stem cell therapy and gene therapy.  

Stem Cell Therapy

Currently, the best surgical strategy for severe disc injuries is either spinal fusions or disc removal. Both result in decreased function, and can have long term effects on joint health. Stem cell therapy aims to provide an alternative solution, either surgically or through injections. Cells from bone marrow tissue and adipose tissue have show the ability to develop into a structure very similar to the nucleus pulposus. Research hypothesizes that these cells can be used to grow vertebral discs in a lab, or be injected to support disc regeneration.

In a 2019 systematic review by Meisel et al, the team of researchers looked at stem cell therapy for the treatment of disc degeneration. They found the strength of the current evidence to be poor due to the low number of studies and that all reviewed studies were small and primarily case series. It was recommended that larger, more robust studies be performed to accurately evaluate this potential new treatment. 

Gene Therapy

Researchers argue that it is almost impossible to stop the progression of degeneration once it’s be diagnosed. Disc tissue lacks the regenerative properties that other cells in our bodies possess, and their low supply of oxygen and nutrition further challenges cell survival. Injecting genetic material in to very specific cells can alter this pattern, and help extend the life of spinal discs. There are several methods for this process, however RNA interference stands out as the best possible strategy currently.

A 2020 paper by Takeoka et al. proposes in depth the potential for gene therapy as a treatment strategy for degenerative disc disease. Despite listed obstacles, they assert “the amount of research is increasing and broadening, and so it is not unrealistic to expect a breakthrough from these studies over the coming few years.”

Both cutting edge procedures are still in the early stages of development, but show promise. However, medication nor surgery will never be the sole solution. It’s essential to assess your movement patterns, and address any strength imbalances or weakness.

To learn more, check out these articles:

  1. Meisel HJ, Agarwal N, Hsieh PC, et al. Cell Therapy for Treatment of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration: A Systematic Review. Global Spine J. 2019;9(1 Suppl):39S‐52S. doi:10.1177/2192568219829024

  2. Takeoka Y, Yurube T, Nishida K. Gene Therapy Approach for Intervertebral Disc Degeneration: An Update. Neurospine. 2020;17(1):3‐14. doi:10.14245/ns.2040042.021

Mama Bear Energy

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To wrap up our section on lumbo-pelvic pain, I had a chance to chat with Kathleen about how to manage this from the patient perspective. Kathleen is our unofficial in-house champion of new moms. Her passion for this population is obvious- read more on how she views rehabilitation and fitness as crucial to pre-natal and postpartum health.

SV: For the past month, we’ve been sharing the latest research on lumbo-pelvic pain during pregnancy. As a recap, what are your top three take aways for mom-to-be who's been experiencing back pain?

KM: Sure thing! First, and maybe the most important take away, low back in pregnancy shouldn't be considered just part of the process, something you have to endure. There's no need to be in pain unnecessarily! Next, we have to think outside the box to find an exercise activity that feels right for you during these weird times - whether it’s strength, pre-natal yoga, pilates, or aquatic. Many yoga and pilates studios are offering virtual classes during the shelter-in-place orders. Last, don’t be afraid to speak to your doctor. Advocate for the support you need to help make your pregnancy as comfortable as you can be. Working with a skilled clinician, like a PT or ATC, to address your specific needs can not only reduce pain but also keep you and your baby healthy throughout the pregnancy.

SV:  How does this differ from the type of back pain someone who's not pregnant might experience?

KM: Back pain in pregnancy stems not only from the obvious changes that are occurring in the woman's body from the growing baby, but is also impacted by the hormonal changes that create ligamentous laxity in preparation for childbirth. The pain itself can evolve throughout the pregnancy, shifting in location, intensity and ancillary symptoms. Additionally, lumbo-pelvic pain can coincide with altered balance as the center of mass moves with the growing belly.

SV: According to some, back pain is practically inevitable during pregnancy. What could someone trying to get pregnant do to proactively prepare physically?

KM: Any muscle weakness or joint instability coming into the pregnancy will increase the difficulty of dealing with the demands of pregnancy. Get started now! It’s smart to be proactive, working on strength and overall fitness to prepare for pregnancy!

SV: Pregnancy is NOT easy. Some moms may be feeling overwhelmed just thinking about adding exercise to their day, while others might be eager to feel better and get back to their routine. Can you talk through what a home program might look like?

KM: As we shared, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise most days of the week throughout pregnancy. This could be a 30 minute walk at a pace in which you can still talk, a 45 minute prenatal yoga or pilates class, or a 30 minute home routine that you could even split up into 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening. Exercises will vary between individuals, but all expecting mothers should include stability, core strength, and proper squat and hinge techniques in their programs. Upper body strength is a great bonus, too!

Postpartum it is important to give your body the time it needs to heal; it is recommended to rest 6 weeks before starting exercise post-childbirth. If feeling unsure where to start, meet with a professional who can guide you through a program to safely get you back to exercising.

SV: At Physical TheraPT, as many of our patients know, we love staying current on the latest innovations in exercise and rehab equipment. What’s your favorite product out there right now for pregnant patients?

KM: There’s been a lot of chatter about abdominal binding postpartum by a certain celebrity. Do your own research on what makes the most sense for your recovery; too much downward pressure following delivery isn’t always safe. Bao Bei Maternity offers physio-designed appropriate support garments for both during pregnancy and postpartum. Check them out at or on instagram at @baobeimaternity

SV: Last question- what’s your go-to strategy for pain relief with this type of injury?

KM: Heat can be very helpful - whether a warm bath or a heating pad on the couch with your feet up, this is a great strategy for both pain relief and stress reduction.